Orillia Pet Hospital in Woodbridge
On January 27 at 5:53 PM
Keeping walkways walkable and driveways drivable in the winter often requires the use of salt or chemical de-icers which are poisonous to pets. Try to avoid contact with these hazards when out with your pets! If you fear your pet has ingested a toxin contact Orillia Pet Hospital.


Orillia Pet Hospital in Woodbridge
On January 24 at 7:53 AM
Look out for snow and encrusted ice that can cause cracked, bleeding paws. If you notice any bleeding, call us at Orillia Pet Hospital in Orillia. Petroleum jelly is one of the ways to protect those paws; you can also look into dog boots!


Orillia Pet Hospital in Woodbridge
On January 21 at 3:53 PM
Let your dog's fur grow during the winter to help keep them warm. If you have a puppy, kitten, or a shorthair-breed pet, consider purchasing a coat or sweater to cover their back and underside; fleece is a great option! If you are afraid your pet may have hypothermia contact Orillia Pet Hospital!


Orillia Pet Hospital in Woodbridge
On January 18 at 7:52 PM
Dogs get dry, flaky skin in the winter just like humans do. Use a humidifier and provide plenty of drinking water in your home — your pet's skin will thank you! If your noticing your pet is extra itchy or flaky contact the Orillia Pet Hospital for a dermatological pet visit in Orillia!


Orillia Pet Hospital in Woodbridge
On January 15 at 11:52 AM
Check your dog's paws frequently for signs of cold-weather injury or damage, such as cracked paw pads or bleeding. During a walk, a sudden lameness may be due to an injury or may be due to ice accumulation between his/her toes.


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