The Water Market in Orillia
Today at 12:00 PM
Water softeners use ion exchange to remove the hardness from your water. The hard water enters the softener where resin removes the hardness ions before sending soft water throughout your home.

Water softeners are not only great for showering and cleaning purposes but laundry as well.

For a water softener in Orillia contact The Water Market today!

TK Pest Control - Orillia & Area in Orillia
Last Saturday at 10:46 AM
Soon you may start to notice the presence of skunks on your property!

Even though skunks are mostly active at night, they sometimes look for food by day; particularly in the spring, when they have young and may be extra hungry.

If you see a skunk lurking around contact TK Pest Control!

We offer skunk removal in Orillia, Muskoka, and the surrounding area.

Turf King - Orillia & Area in Orillia
On February 21 at 10:18 AM
This year don't let the Emerald Ash Borer take over your beautiful ash trees. Initial damage from the Emerald Ash Borer appears as thinning in the upper canopy of the tree and branches can die over time. Schedule your spring tree inspection in Orillia, Muskoka and the surrounding area with Turf King!

Pure Prism Painting in Orillia
On January 23 at 6:43 PM
It is our great pleasure to announce that Pure Prism Painting has been nominated for the Reader's Choice Award in Orillia.
We are extremely grateful for this honour and are very humbled.
Please take a moment and cast a vote, we are very excited.
We look forward to serving our customers and offering the best painting service we can.
Big or small, we paint it all.Read More

Poly-B Plumbing & Drain Services - Head Office in Orillia
On January 16 at 6:00 AM
Grease. There is no way to avoid it when cooking. But you should avoid putting it down the drain. All drains get a sludge build up in them from soaps, oils from you hands etc. This sludge is where grease catches and causes backups. One product you can use to help keep the Sludge from building up is Bio-Clean. You use this product once a month to keep the drains flowing. It also helps your septic system if you have one, keep the bacteria levels up.... Read More

Remedium Magnesium Skin Care in Orillia
On November 05 at 7:26 PM
Thank you your review Sharon C.

I ordered 3 Magnesium Balms because I was running out of the one I purchased at a Health Fair last year. I have neuropathy in my feet and I started to use the Balm and I felt it soothed my neuropathy pain. I put it on just before bed and put my socks on as to not get any on my sheets. I do this every night. It does help and that's why I order 3 more. There is not much out there that helps out side of... Read More

Fran Woodhurst Painting in Orillia
On October 22 at 6:28 PM
Or call 705 345 5495

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